Thursday, June 18, 2009

Prepare To Be Assimilated

This is it....the first post of what's sure to be one of two things:

1. The most talked about, widely followed blog of the 21st century, or
2. The rantings of a madman who has lost his grip with reality

Allow me to give just a little bit of background to explain why I feel one of those two outcomes are likely to happen.

Back in the day (which happened to be a Wednesday), I started a website...let's just call this website "MyJokeMail" for arguments sake. Back then, I decided to send out some daily jokes to people, but also write a little about myself, my life, my experiences, etc. You know, just standard crap that only egotistical, shallow individuals would think is important to other people.

Surprisingly, that little website grew into a following of more than half a million people. Whether I was writing about my day, describing a rather life changing bowel movement, or ranting about the Middle East crisis, I was reaching a huge audience.

But alas, after marriage, a couple of kids, and starting a new company, I no longer had the time to rant and rave on this just like Britney Spears panties, I disappeared from the public eye.

And now, after 5+ years, I can't take it anymore. I have so much on my mind that I need an outlet to vent and connect. Whether a million people read this blog or just myself, I feel good knowing that I am writing these words and putting it out there.

Buckle up's going to be a fun one!

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